Monday, May 20, 2013

Athletic Preaching

What does it take to win in a sport?
I want to propose 3 things
1. General fitness
2. Specific skills
3. A game plan

What about winning preaching? I suspect that much of our preparation to preach is like category 3. A plan for the game day. Sunday looms, and we must find something to say.
I suspect the best preachers, however, are putting more time into 1. and 2.

1. General fitness. Though sometimes poo-pooed as unspiritual and worldly, effective preachers need some general, non-specific skills.
Can I speak loud enough for people to hear?
Can I speak clearly enough for people to understand?
Can I read a complex text and understand it?
Do I have at least some grasp of logic, literature, poetry, philosophy?
How are my interpersonal skills and empathy?
Some exercise in these areas (outside of sermons) will lift your preaching game. And deficiency in any one of them will severely limit your 'game plan'

2. Specific skills
I would want to throw into this one general bible knowledge, wide and deep theological reading, growth in language proficiency, consistent wrestling in prayer, rigorous theological and ethical reflection, humility, confession, grace.

Pushing yourself with these 'skills' will make you a better player, week in, week out. Rehearsing these skills (outside of sermon preparation) will mean that difficult manoeuvres and plays will become second nature on game day.

Of course, both general fitness and special skills aren't enough to win a tough game.
And both general fitness and skills can be built by playing a lot of games.
That is generally how ametuers play social games.
Is that how you would like people to view your preaching?
As something you do to entertain yourself?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Glenn Davies for Archbishop

You may have missed the launching of two websites that are dedicated to the promotion of Glenn Davies as the next Archbishop of Sydney.

To tell you the truth, I rarely hear ministers saying positive things about their Bishops. But with Glenn, everything I have heard is that he is an excellent leader, biblically solid, but who also deals very well with conflict and difference. If he were elected, I think we would be blessed with a leader who could move the WHOLE Diocese forward in it's mission, rather than simply one part of it.

If nothing else, the websites are worth visiting because they have links to many of the articles he has published over the years.
Take a look

Friday, May 3, 2013

Apologetics and strength

How do you answer friends objections to Jesus, when you are massively ahead when it comes to information and argument? Without them feeling like you have bludgeoned them?

Apologetics and strength

How do you answer friends objections to Jesus, when you are massively ahead when it comes to information and argument? Without them feeling like you have bludgeoned them?