Sunday, July 29, 2007

Given our focus on the cross, isn’t it ironic that we are so afraid of one word or event representing many meanings and aspects of reality, that we feel the need to nail one absolute and perfect meaning down.


byron smith said...

Which word or event are you thinking of that causes such fear?

Djlpap said...

Justice, has many implications in context with God's word. Involves judgment and final judgment, involves Jesus atoning for us, and even then you can say that Jesus is unjust in letting us know him, but because of grace we can know him. So how about just saying justice. Then you'd probably need to explain it.

Mike W said...

Just thinking about the last post (no not the trumpet version), and the idea of the one representing the many. So the word and event of the cross mostly. Not that we should push abstract models of representation onto language.. so, just a little silly musing really