What do you think of when you hear the word 'spirituality'?
We were having a discussion at college about this a couple of days ago. Most of the responses were fairly negative.
I threw in the view that is gently pushed at my church, that spirituality is the shape of your life before God, so that mundane things, like serving others morning tea, is part of your spirituality.
The lecturer liked it.
One student called out from across the room. "Michael goes to a hippy church"
I mustered my best Cartman voice
Most unspiritual
Carl Conrad passed away 2/20/25
19 hours ago
Doug Wilson suggested that when we read the Scriptures, a helpful practice would be to substitute the word obedient for spiritual.
I read a quote from Charles Finney recently, that "revival" is actually the beginning of a new obedience to God. So this year's "Revive08" Baptist Church conference might more correctly be called "Obey08." Do you think attendance would be down if they changed the name?
hehe, probably.
Unspiritual? No, not at all. The question is which spirit?
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