"Our Father, we have listened to your gracious words. Truly Your paths overflow with abundance. Wherever You are, mercy abounds. Before your feet, rivers of grace spring up. When you come to man, it is with the fullness of pardoning love. You bid us to come and seek you while you may be found. We come now. May your Holy Spirit help us. May Jesus lead the way and be our Mediator now.
Blessed be Your name! there are many who sought after your face years ago. Since then, we have tasted tha You are gracious, and we know by deleightful experience that You do indeed give milk and honey to those who trust You. Oh we wish we had known you earlier.
Lord, You have been full of truth and faithfulness to us throughout every step of our journey, and though you have not withheld the rod of the covenant from us, we are as grateful for that now as for the kisses of your lips. You have dealt well with your servants according to your word. Blesses be Your name forever and ever.
But there are some who have never come to you. They are hearers, but hearers only. They have listened to gracious invitations thousands of times, but they have never accepted them. Say to them " You have gone this far, but you will proceed no further in your carelessness and trifling. Here you will stay and turn to your God" O Saviour, You have all the power in heaven and earth; therefore you can, through the preaching of your word, influence the hearts of men. Turn them, and they will be turned. Oh do it this day Lord.
We want to come to you now in our prayers. As we came at first, we want to come again. WE want to renew our vows, we want to repeat our repentance and faith, and then look at the bronze serpent and touch the hem of your garment. WE want to begin again. O Lord, help us to do it in sincerity and truth. First we want to confess that we are by nature lost and by practice ruined. "WE are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnes are as filthy rags". We want to lie at those dear pierced feet, bleeding at heart because of sin wounded, mangled, crushed by the fall and by our transgression. We confess that if you were to number our sins against us and deal with us accordingly, we would be sent to the lowest hell.
We have no merit, no claim, no righteousness of our own. Now, dear Saviour, we look to you. Oh, that some might look for the first time. Oh that those of us who have long looked would fix our happy gaze again on that blessed substitutionary sacrifice in whom is all our hope. Dear Savior, we do take you to be everything to us, our Sin bearer and our Sin destroyer. We do not have a shadow of hope anywhere but in you- your life, your death, your resurrection, your ascension, your glory, your reign your second advent. These are the only stars in our sky.
We look up to you and are filled with light. But oh, dear, dear Saviour, we dare not turn to ordinances. We dare not turn to our own prayers and tears and almsgiving. We dare not look to our own works. We only look to You. Your wounds Emmanuel, bleed the balm that heals our wounds. Your head once covered with thorns, Your body once laid in the silent tomb, Your godhead once covered and concealed from man, but now resplendent amid triumphant hosts- these we gaze upon. If we must perish trusting in you, we must perish. But we know we cannot, for you have bound up our salvation with your glory, and because you are a glorious saviour forever, none who trust in you will ever be ashamed.
We do trust you now. If all our past experience has been a mistake, we will begin at the cross today. If we have never had any experience of you before, we would begin today. Oh hear, Lord, hear our prayer.
Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts;
to you let sinners fly
BY Christs agony and bloody sweat, by his cross and passion, by his precious death and burial, we implore you, hear us now! We plead with you for some who are not pleading for themselves. O Spirit of God, do not let it be so any longer. Sweetly use your key to open the locked door and come into mens hearts and dwell there so that they might live.
We have a thousand things to ask. WE would like to plead for our country and for all countries. We would like to plead with you for the sick and the dying, for the poor and for the fatherless. We have inumerable blessings to ask, but somehow they all fade away from our prayer just now, and this is our one cry. "Save Lord we pray. Even now send salvation! Come Holy Spirit, to open blind eyes and unstop deaf ear and quicken dead hearts.
Father glorify your son that your son may glorify you. Holy spirit take these things of Christ and reveal them to us. We gather all our prayers in that salvation through the blood of the Lamb. Amen
Carl Conrad passed away 2/20/25
19 hours ago
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