The grandaddy of them all (well probably not, but still, pretty early and pretty good), Ben Myers 'Faith and Theology' looms over the theoblogosphere. Looking back at his early posts (October 2005), I'm amazed at the consistency of quality this blog has from the very beginning.
This quote from J. Christian Beker is a doozy.
The theologian as believing unbeliever
“And the biblical theologian must recognize that unbelief is not just out there, but as contemporary man, it is within himself. Faith is too often a form of repressed unbelief. No longer, if ever, is the biblical theologian or preacher an ‘answer-box’; in many ways he is unbeliever—in hope.... Luther’s simul iustus ac peccator in our time must mean first of all the willingness to demonstrate in one’s own person, not the ready answer of the biblical or theological paraphrase, but the struggle of how to become a believer in the midst of one’s own unbelief.”
—J. Christiaan Beker, “Biblical Theology Today,” in New Theology No. 6 (London: Macmillan, 1969), p. 33.
(I must also admit that Jonathon H has been poking me to read Beker for quite some time too)
Barth, Bultmann, Beker, Jungel, and of course Dylan they are all there from the early days.
This whole month is worth checking out, especially Ben's critique of his own doctrine of Scripture.
Carl Conrad passed away 2/20/25
19 hours ago
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