Thursday, October 9, 2008

A retraction..of sorts

Chatting to a couple of women at college today, I was pleasantly rebuked for the contents the previous post. One of them said that the talk on Friday had generated a great deal of discussion in her chaplaincy group, although the group had been discussing womens ministry for some time. Another commented that she was sick of the term womens ministry (what does it refer to anyway..women ministering or women being ministered to?),and had already e-mailed John about it. Together we have devised a cunning plan to satisfy all rigteousness. The said woman would speak in tongues... (French, which she speaks fluently), a man would then interpret (from prepared notes to aid accuracy) and the whole thing would be kosher. Game over. Solved. We'll see how that goes down.


Matthew Moffitt said...

what if someone steps forward with a prophesy?

Mike Bull said...

You have a football team in suits in the front row shout "SILENCE!"

Mike W said...

he he. Yeah I don't think this will happen, nevertheles...