So here's my cheeky question for the week
IF the main function of the Holy Spirit is to give us the Bible
(I'm not so sure on this, but it is certainly the impression given in the circles I travel in)
AND the role of the Spirit is to point us to Jesus, so we shouldn't talk about the Spirit so much as Jesus
(whack, take that pentecostals, bam)
WHY is it ok to talk about the bible so much in our liturgy, ie, more than Jesus
(For those of you who were there, I present Tuesday Chapel as exhibit A. Jesus was mentioned 8 times ((I'm not counting
Gibbo's awesome sermon)), three of these were "through Jesus Christ our Lord" at the end of prayers, three were in songs.
The Word of God ((in a scripture sense, not a Jesus sense)), was mentioned 25+ times.
Thats a ratio of three to one!
Just wondering
Carl Conrad passed away 2/20/25
1 day ago
Sounds a bit muslim.
The Holy Spirit is also the topic for this year's EU Annual Conference and Sydney AFES MYC.
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