"there can be no satisfactory resolution of the theological problem of faith and reason unless we recognise and describe the unity of theory and ethics, of evidence and decision, that is the philosophical origin of the problem... Modern rationalism, attemptingto narrowthe range of truth to the supposedly isolable ore of pure theory, has exiled the good and the beautiful from the domain of the rationably verifiable, relegating them to arbitrary subjectivity or to a world of private belief and personal taste.
"If truth lacks decision, then decision, the personal decision that determines one's view of the world, lacks truth"
Von Balthasar, Theo-Logic, Vol 1: The truth of the World, 2000, San Francisco: Ignatius, pp (cant find the book now, get back to you)
Carl Conrad passed away 2/20/25
19 hours ago
Quotes without sources are....
posted accidentally.
I'll get there
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