Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Caption Contest

What has this Catholic, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Conner, just said or done to Rowan Williams?

Best caption gets a prize of my choosing when I get back from mission


Matt Bales said...

"Charles said I get to crown him as king."

Anonymous said...

"How 'bout this for some 'real presence'" (said while discretely kneeing the ABC in the goolies).

Also, you should probably give the attribution of the photo (at the bottom of my blog)
and a courtesy link for finding it...
or does your pinko-commie theology excuse you from participation in the capitalist oppression known as 'intellectual property'?

(in jest of course)

Mike W said...

yeah, I just forget how to do it, so pinko commie it is for me.

Hooray to Dan, for the photo I stole

Anonymous said...

"Well, now we know how many acolytes we can fit into a confessional."

Anonymous said...

"Yes, it is the new suppository wafer, perhaps it will take off in some of your colonial churches"

Matt Bales said...

I love this photo and am going to have another go (under MY name not annoy-mous)

"Let me introduce the BVM

Matt Bales said...
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byron smith said...

So who won? I vote for Matt's first attempt.

Here is mine in case I haven't just missed the post where the winner was announced but in actual fact a winner has not yet been announced:
"Dr Williams, I'm afraid that the Vatican has decided they won't recognise your eyebrows as works of supererogation."